Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Read. Please read

Not only this post, but in general, read. Read anything or everything, just as long as you are doing it. I don't even mind if you read those teen-aged vampire books all the kids are crazy about these days; don't wait until the movie comes out, there is a reason people always say the book is better than the is!!! Why not use your own imagination and come up with your own ideas about how hot and anorexic the characters should look; don't leave it to Hollywood, where everyone is hot and anorexic, and, oh yeah, white. I prefer Bram Stoker's Dracula, myself. There are so many benefits to reading I can name from experience, it's exhausting; my vocabulary would not be one quarter what it is if I was not an avid reader. My critical thinking and analytical skills would be as sharp or not exist at all if I did not read as much as I do. For anyone who says they do not like reading, to me it says they don't like thinking and using their imagination. The more you do it, the easier it becomes and more enjoyable, so just do it!

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