Monday, November 23, 2009


At one point in my life, I'll admit, I was anti-technology. In some regards, I still am. If you've read any of the earlier posts, you know I am an advocate of reading books or just reading in general, a technology that has been around for a while. I am a big fan of going outside and finding a big tree to sit under and forgetting, if only for a little while, what time it is and what I am supposed to do next. To me, technology makes everyone too busy and in need for constant stimulation, which is hard to turn it off sometimes and just relax. Its like the character Brooks says from the movie "Shawshank Redemption," "The world went and got itself in to a damned hurry." The fact of the matter is, technology is here to stay and we really have no choice but to accept and try and make the best of it for everyone. In education, this needs to be at the forefront. Technology has enhanced an always expanding and growing global market and if we are to keep up with the rest of the world, technology and the understanding of technology will have to be utilized and cultivated across all lines.
Something I found to be an extraordinarily effective as well as simple is google docs. It has replaced the need for disks, zip drives, or any other storage devices. All one needs to access google docs is Internet access and a free Gmail account. Its that easy. Not only does this make writing papers for school easier, my own personal writing has flourished as well. I found the entirety of google and what it offers extremely helpful, but google docs will now be where I write.

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